CAOBISCO members are committed to ensuring that their products are manufactured responsibly and to the highest standards, minimising environmental impact and respecting the human rights of those in their value chains.
Many of CAOBISCO members have private initiatives that empower farmers and their communities to improve their income, become more productive and climate-resilient, protect the environment, combat deforestation, and respect human rights in the supply chain. These initiatives need to be accompanied by due diligence systems in order to identify and address social and environmental risks and impacts, seeking greater transparency along the supply chain.
CAOBISCO members support an EU-wide due diligence approach, aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights1, and with the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains2. Members support a comprehensive EU strategy that creates the enabling environment required to make progress. The EU must engage in dialogue with the respective origin countries to create the right framework of agreement needed to drive change.
CAOBISCO believes due diligence is a shared responsibility for all supply chain actors, who must act collectively to achieve a sustainable industry from “farm to fork” and to address systemic environmental and human rights issues.
Read the statement here.